Atavus Tackle University
Web-based training system for on-boarding new analysts and coaches.
I was hired by Clyde Golden to provide UX design expertise for a custom, web-based training system for Atavus Football. Primary goals were to reduce the time required to train new analysts, and create an information hierarchy extensible enough for multiple training systems.
Project Definition
As part of the initial work on this project, I defined an information hierarchy that could handle different levels of curriculum; from simple to complex. Additionally, it was important we had an agreed upon vocabulary by which to talk about the various elements or components for a given curriculum. The first deliverables for this project helped to work through these challenges.
Early Explorations
I did research on existing, commonly used video players as well as typical slides viewers, and did a round of design explorations for how we could layout various controls and have some amount of parity across the two components.
Common User Flows
The wireframes walked through what a common, new employee flow might look like. By illustrating the user flow, and by using content examples from the current training program, we were able to make sure the designs were usable and made sense against both the goals of a new employee and those of Atavus. Additionally, Atavus was able to reference the wireframe templates while building out new curriculum.
Documentation & Specification
Unfortunately the project was canceled prior to being able to finish building out a full specification; but since I had been detailing various use cases and states for each of the design components as I went, I was able to deliver some amount of documentation upon wrap up—even though it was more sparse than I would have liked.
My Role
I was the primary UX resource for this project. I worked closely with the Creative Director of ClydeGolden, the Manager at Atavus responsible for developing their analyst curriculum, and an additional visual design resource. For my role I:
researched existing eLearning platforms.
developed requirements, scoping, and usecases.
did early exploration surrounding their special needs for both a video player and slide viewer.
created detailed wireframes mapping to common use cases and user flows.
began work on a detailed specification that would outline all states and cases for the platform.
What I Like Best About this Project
This was the first, eLearning or online training platform I’ve designed. I love opportunities that allow me to explore new domain spaces and to compare and contrast best practices against unique needs of the business. Is there something that already exists that people use and that solves this well? Are there things we should be doing differently? What things can we do better? This was also my first sports related product. It was amazing to see the passion of the Atavus staff, both in terms of the products and services they provide, but also in terms of evangelizing more effective and responsible tackling in a sport plagued with serious, long term percussions related to current practices and culture. Lastly, (American) football is that much more enjoyable to watch, based on the kinds of things I learned about analyzing game footage. Pretty cool.
What I Liked Least About This Project
Alas, the company chose to put the breaks on this project before we had an opportunity to see it to the end—for various reason, that made the most sense for their business at that time. That said, we were still able to hand off a nice set of deliverables that helped them to flush out their needs and to build or buy the best tool to meet their various online training needs in the future.