ClearPlay Parental Controls
Responsive, cross-platform designs for extensive parental controls system.
ClearPlay reached out to me to help them redesign their Parental Controls for a ClearPlay branded, Blu-ray player they were manufacturing. The CEO and I worked together to flush out the full set of requirements, use cases and designs and the project quickly went from a set-top box redesign, to an expansive, cross-platform proposal utilizing responsive designs.
Comprehensive Content Blocking & Filtering
ClearPlay offers families the ability to watch the movies they want, through a tailored blocking and filtering system unlike any other parental controls available. A customer can block a movie based on rating, but can also have specific content filtered out across a variety of criteria: from violence and vulgarity, to language and sexual content.
Common User Flows
The first couple of sections of the designs for ClearPlay walkthrough a typical set up for a new user, including starting a free trial and what happens the first time they go to play a movie.
See additional examples of designs that walk through common user or customer flows:
Responsive Design Layouts
The entire design proposal for the ClearPlay Parental Controls went from being a redesign for their newest DVD player/set-top box, to being a responsive, cross-platform solution. Each screen in the design deck has a key indicating if the design proposal is for desktop, tablet, or mobile.
See another example of responsive design proposals:
Documentation and Specification
The full design proposal for this project was, in essence, one giant specification; detailing all of the different screens, states, use cases, as well as walking through typical user experiences.
See additional examples of detailed specifications:
What I Liked Best About this Project
I loved working on this project. The CEO of ClearPlay was great to collaborate with. He asked relevant, challenging questions and provided feedback that was both constructive and actionable. I also really enjoyed the constraints of working on designs for a living room device; everything from the dealing with 480p resolution, to understanding what interacting with the experience via a remote control as an input device.
What I Liked Least About this Project
There was no access to data to understand how current customers were interacting with their product. Previous releases were on set-top boxes that had no connectivity, so there were no insights in to what customers used most, or how often they were changing their settings and how.