DXL Checkout Pipeline
Checkout pipeline redesign for big and tall retailer Destination XL
This was the second part, of a two part project, I did with Adlin, Inc., for Destination XL. I was hired to provide UX design expertise for the redesign of their checkout pipeline.
As Is Analysis
I did extensive As Is analysis on the entire shopping cart experience to map out all of the scenarios and use cases. Their existing implementation allowed for lots of flexibility for their customers, but all the possible permutations added complexity to the experience that made all checkout paths confusing.
See another example of As Is Analysis
Design Explorations
The DXL website uses the ATG eCommerce platform—which allows for several different ways to implement some of the features. I did analysis of other ATG customers to better understand different ways to implement the mini cart and shopping cart, and documented the various pros and cons. Based on these, design explorations were created in order to investigate the best implementation for DXL.
See additional examples of design explorations:
Customer Journey and User Flows
The wireframes walked through several different customer journeys, including checking out as an existing customer, a guest, or a new customer that creates an account. In addition to these most common scenarios, I also mapped out less common ones such as shipping to multiple addresses, choosing to pick up one’s order in a store—for items already in stock—or choosing to have items shipped to a store for free.
See additional examples of designs that walk through the customer journey:
Detailed Specifications
The design deliverables included an extensive specification that documented requirements, use cases, definitions and detailed wireframes illustrating the states and use cases.